The thickness of construction is given by a set of 7 curves, as shown in Fig. IRC Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements : (iii) The curves are applicable only under the conditions for which they were method is not reliable for high values of CBR. The advantage of the CBR method is that it can be used to find the total thickness of the pavement and that of the individual courses in addition to the thickness of the subgrade soil (provided the CBR-values of the materials of the courses are also known). The California bearing ratio (CBR) value of the subgrade soil was the basis for the method of design of flexible pavements, developed originally by the California State Highway Department, and adopted by The Road Research Laboratory, London, for developing their own design procedure and design charts. (This method is obsolete and is of historical importance.) The higher the group index, the weaker is the subgrade soil. The group-index of a soil, an arbitrary index assigned to different soil types based on the percent fines, liquid limit and plasticity index, is defined by the following equation – Highway Engineers (Highway Research Board) in 1945. The group-index method was devised by the U.S. IRC Guidelines for Low Traffic Volume Roads: (IRC: SP: 72-2007 and IRC: SP: 77-2008) 5. SOFTWARE FOR PAVEMENT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Pavement Research Center of Excellence Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Michigan State University.Hence, only the following methods will be presented here: 1. Government of Tamil Nadu has the unique distinction of creating a separate Highways Department as early as in 1946 exclusively to attend to roads and bridges in the. This flexible Pavement software can save the precious time and avoid the errors and difficulties occurring during the conventional methods of design. The results obtained from this software were analyzed and compared with the theoretical (manual) design and with the DARWin, a design software of AASHTO, and were found absolutely feasible and accurate. This software can be used to determine the thickness of each layer, design life evaluation, knowing the relative damage factor, finding the various design variables like calculating the structural number and equivalent single axle load etc and climatic effects.

The aim of this paper is to develop software for the flexible pavement design based on the AASHTO, Group Index, and CBR. Sales And Inventory Management Software Free Download.